Silas Marner Redacted by David Jibson

smcoversmall-2Silas Marner Redacted is a series of 20 short poems redacted from the classic novel by George Eliot. It’s avialable to read in a free PDF. Click the cover image to go to the page.  Here is a sample of what you’ll find:


loss served the slow
current of bereavement
that so withered a life
a wide cheerless unknown
a life snatched away
the earth broken
crushed by grief
sat in loneliness
and moaned very low


The Way of the River / David Jibson

WayoftheRiverFrontCoverSmallThe Way of the River: Sijo Poetry in English is my latest chapbook. It features many of my own Sijo poems and resource information on the Sijo form, including clasical and contemporary examples. You can download a free PDF (Click the cover image).

Sijo is a concise Korean poetic form consisting of three lines, each containing 14-16 syllables, totaling 44-46 syllables. These lines feature a midpoint pause, akin to a caesura, although it need not adhere to a specific meter. The first half of each line encompasses six to nine syllables, while the second half should contain no fewer than five. Originally intended to be sung, Sijo typically explore themes of romance, metaphysics, or spirituality. Regardless of the topic, ideally, the first line introduces an idea or narrative, the second elaborates the theme, and the third offers closure, often with a twist. In modern times, Sijo are often presented in six lines.

Poetry Giveaway / Michigan Gothic by David Jibson

Michigan Gothic

Yes. I’m giving this poetry chapbook away free to anyone.

As death comes to Augie, it parallels the death of the American family farm and a culture that once helped to define who we are. This chapbook tells the story of Augie and his family in a series of twenty free verse poems.

Michigan Gothic is out of print but is now available as a free download in PDF format. Just click the cover photo to get your copy.

Review of “Year of Moons”

YearofMoonsCoverSmYear of Moons is precious to me. These poems do what I look for; the poem says one thing but means something else. Case in point, my favorite in the collection is a haiku in which the fish breaks the surface. And my 2nd favorite, Way of the River with its ripples of radiating meanings. “Make it [the river] take you where you want to go.” I like the sensual nape of the neck poem, and the way Mr. Jibson makes a poem out of something we’re all familiar with (but don’t write about) like grandmother’s old recipe cards. Of the moon poems, travel moon takes the reader well outside its frame, a great quality in a poem. The same for the Milky Way poem. The thought and research that went into the making of Year of Moons are two of its great qualities, along with the sensitive observations throughout and depth and clarity the writer brought to the project.

Laurence W. Thomas, Editor Emeritus
3rd Wednesday Magazine

Year of Moons by David Jibson is available as a free download at
and is available in print at

Dark City

Dark City is the first poem in the chapbook Poem Noir, a celebration of noir film in poetry. Dark City sets the stage for a parade of characters, plots and familiar settings. Inside this book you’ll find dark cityscapes and blind alleys. There are private-eyes, taxi dancers, thugs, mugs, crime bosses, night club sirens, crooked cops, gun molls and a morgue full of bodies. It’s like a graphic novel without the graphics.

Poem Noir is available for $6.00 at